Monday, October 12, 2009

If you have not made it out to the Indianapolis Museum of Art to see the Sacred Spain Exhibit, you should probably set your sights on it. although it will be open until the beginning of the year. One thing they are doing different, in fact it has never been done before is the iPod tour. what the hell is this; you ask? let me explain.

As soon as one arrives at the front desk to the exhibit, one is given the option to enter the exhibit for free or for a five dollar front, they will give you an iPod and a set of head phones. During your tour of the exhibit there will be little yellow tags on the wall next to certain pieces of art. The yellow tags have a number code on it. you then enter the number code into the iPod and you can hear some other information and see other pictures and video on that piece of art. Also, there are Easter eggs. In a nut shell, Easter eggs are little tid bits of information that are generally hard to find. But with a little bit of creativity and savvy, you can find it. for more info on Easter eggs and the iPod touch tour, here is a link.

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