Monday, October 26, 2009

Beer is great for me

I have been amazed once again by the cunning of the Pabst Brewing Co. to get people to drink more of there tasty product for reasons other than, "it just tastes good". (Not that you need another reason) Pabst Blue Ribbon, or PBR for short, has been known, in the past 20 years or so, to pride itself on providing us with an affordable delicious drink without the use of many ad campaigns. In fact, there are none that I know of besides the signs you may see in a local pub or linning the streets of Milwalkee. (if you ever venture out that way, you will know exactly what I am talking about)

My theory for this lack ofmarketting is that the people in the Pabst company are creative people, and since they don't need the advertisements to gain consumers, they will not waiste money on cluttery billboards and comercials. They will just save there promotions for something more original or at least artistic. Just recently that happened.

In 2009, Pabst had an art contest which allowed various artists in the country to display art that contained PBR in various public areas in the region. In fact, if ever you’re driving south on Keystone on Indy’s north side, you may spot a couple. Using art to send a message has always been at the forefront of successful media tactics especially if it is advertisement. This scheme is the best way to, as they say in the marketting world, "break through the clutter".

By no longshot is a bilboard or magazine ad not a form of art if you think about it on a certian level. It takes an ad designer's outstanding creativity (which essentially landed him/her the ad design job in the first place) to create a successful ad. Pabst has won my recent aproval. Do I think I will rush out and buy some PBR tonight after work because of these ads? It's hard to say if I am ever sold on an ad but I will say that my loyalty for the product may have jumped a few points.

To read more about several ads from Pabst in the past, click here. To see more murrals of Pabst and PBR, click here.

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