Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Quality Leasing

I used to think it was fun, about 5 years ago to look through adds and spot out comercials that did not list a website. (that's just how messed up I am). It used to be very easy to spot them out until recent years when everyone (and their mom) got hip to the jive, so to speak, so I just stoped playing my little game. just today I was bored and decided to take my dusty skill out and venture the mags once again, as futile as it may seem to be by today's standards. It just so happens I was lucky enough to find this ad in Indianapolis Monthly Magazine.
It is an ad for Quality Leasing (autos). I had to sit there for about three or four minutes to verify the lack of a website listing and make sure I was just overlooking it, but, nope! I thought to myself that it would be odd to learn that this company does not have a website. Everyone (and their mom, mind you) has a website as I clearly stated before. So I trotted to "Oll Mac", as I like to call him, (yeah my computer is a guy and he has a name) and googled the it. sure enough the little "Google Maps" icon came first on the list and followed by this... sure it is a long u.r.l. and when I clicked on it, I noticed that it was just one page with a banner and a link to So basically this was sort of a side project of Tom Wood Auto. (they sell cars)
Very strange it seems to me that a company would not list a u.r.l. with their ad. If they pay such and such amount of money to place it, it just seems viable to do so even if the website doesn't give you as much info as calling the company would. At least they could list the Tom Wood website right? I could be wrong. It's just an observation.


  1. It is, indeed, interesting to find a business that does not have a Website. What do you think that means? Is it possible that this was deliberate -- an attempt to determine if there is a generation or a demographic that might be reached in some different, non-Web way -- or perhaps there is a whole sub-culture that refuses to join the parade to the Web?

    Just a thought

  2. quite possibly. this ad also has a fax number (which isn't to uncommon) this will soon be a thing of the past.
